Belladonna-Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure used to remove excess fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts as well as reshaping them. If you have large breasts (macromastia), you might choose to have breast reduction surgery to ease discomfort (large breast might cause neck and back pain) or to achieve a breast size proportionate to your body. Most women who get breast reduction are very satisfied with the results. Breast reduction surgery has one of the highest rates of satisfaction of all cosmetic surgery procedures. Men with conditions such as gynecomastia (in which male breasts are abnormally enlarged) may also have it.

Disproportionately large breasts can cause both physical and emotional distress for patients. Patients with macromastia may experience physical discomfort resulting from the weight of their breasts. The resulting pain can make it challenging for some patients to perform common physical activities. Along with the physical ailments of macromastia, some patients may suffer from emotional distress or more significant mental health problems because of their large breasts.

Large breasts can cause many medical conditions like back and neck pain that requires medication, chronic rash or skin irritation under the breasts, restricted activity. Even difficulty in fitting into bras and clothes is a reason for a discomfort in your daily life.

Although breast reduction is often performed to address medical issues, patients who do not have the symptoms of macromastia but are unhappy with the size of their breasts can still pursue breast reduction as an aesthetic procedure. Patients choosing to undergo breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons may cite any number of factors, including social stigmas and wardrobe concerns.

You might consider to postpone breast reduction surgery if you have certain future plans, such as childbirth (Breast-feeding might be challenging after breast reduction surgery — although certain surgical techniques can help to preserve your ability to breast-feed, it is not recommended) and weightloss (Losing weight can often result in changes to your breast size).

What are the steps of breast reduction procedure?
Breast reduction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. An incision is made around the areola and down each breast. The incision technique is going to be decided by our surgeon depending on your physical examination. Excess breast tissue, fat and skin are removed to reduce the size of each breast. The breast and repositions the nipple and areola are reshaped. They might need to be removed and then reattached at a higher position as a skin graft if your breasts are very large.

What should I expect in my recovery period?
When your breast reduction procedure is complete, dressings or bandages will be applied to the incisions. An elastic bandage or support bra may be worn to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.

A small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect.

You are expect to take at least a week off from work afterward. Some people need a couple of weeks, but each situation varies. Our surgeon will instruct you on follow-up appointments for removing bandages and stitches. While you recover, you'll need to keep away from exercise for at least a month after surgery.

What results should I expect after breast reduction procedure?
The results will be long-lasting. Your new appearance will boost your self-confidence and pain you suffer because of your large breasts will be gone. 

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