Belladonna Health Tourism is an international health tourism platform offering you high standards of health service with personalized plans for each guest.
. We produce accurate and reliable solutions especially on face and whole body aesthetics, dental aesthetics and hair transplantation.
Our organization carries out hotel reservation, transfer and translation services together with our entire team, as well as the treatments of our guests.
We perform our surgeries at hospitals with the highest standards, using the newest technology and facilities, with affordable prices.
Belladonna Health Tourism was founded by two physicians with 22 years of medical experience. Therefore, it is completely focused on providing high quality and reliable health services for our guests. For each operation, you will be directed to the best doctor in the area. As Belladonna Health Tourism, we will make this choice for you regarding your needs and requests. In other words, you will be in safe hands with our physicians not alone when you are trying to choose the best for yourself.
Every person has unique characteristics. There are no diseases, there are patients. '' non est morbus, ibi est patientes estote '' HIPOCRATES. We plan appropriate treatments considering the priorities of our guests.
Physicians and medical teams serve in health institutions with the newest technology using the best surgical techniques. It is our main priority to provide high quality health services at international standards.
After the communication we have established with our guests, hotel, transfer and translation services are provided at high quality as standard, in line with their demands. We work with the goal of providing the most "special" services, taking into account the rights of our patients and their experiences with us.